Wall Buster (14 made)(2N5133 Transistors)(Notice the LED Bezel is still there – on all 14 of them?)
Marc Says (via TGP):?
"It is basically a Mayo MkII/Pink Flesh hybrid (mainly straight triangle-knob BMP specs, not as warm and fuzzy as a Pink Flesh) with metal film resistors to give it a glassy top end. It was intended for live shows, to cut through, as opposed to livingroom volume or studio work, where I would use carbon comp resistors to make it warm and mellow. First one was made for Dave Kilminster for the Roger Waters "The Wall" tour, but it turns out Dave is no fan of the Big Muff and likely never used his. They were made from February through July of 2011 plus one extra in September 2013 for my best customer, who wanted one for his collection too."